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Weekend Mass Times
St. Joseph's Church
Saturday 6pm
Our Lady of the Bay Church

Sunday 9am
Sunday 6pm

(Easter & Christmas Mass will be different) 
Join Busselton Catholic Parish

Grow in faith, inclusivity and outreach, through openness.

Find us at our churches - St Joseph's and Our Lady of the Bay.

Founded 1843

Busselton is one of the oldest parishes in Western Australia. Priests from Perth, especially members of the Benedictine Order, visited Vasse (as Busselton was called) from the 1830's onwards, enabling the few Catholic families to hear Mass and receive the Sacraments. The first recorded Baptism was in 1848; the officiating clergyman was Bishop John Brady. The first Marriage was in 1851 between John Hurford and Brigid Larkins. It was a "notable" event as, four years later, Brigid became the first woman hanged in the new gaol in Perth. Her crime?.....the murder of her husband! - Meg Helyar

Missed a mass?

See our parish bulletin for weekly readings, rosters, notices and mass times.

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