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For us, in this Advent season, we are being called to realise that the tidy soul, like the tidy house, has to be worked at. It doesn’t just happen. If we truly want the Lord to come and stay a while, we have to prepare the way. It is about putting the house in order—the soul in order. Somewhere and somehow we need to hear the centurion’s words again and realise his words are ours too, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to have you under my roof’.

For that, we need a plan of action, a road map of sorts, to guide us on the journey. The Sacrament of Reconciliation supplies some of that road map. Its coordinates are already there for us, and the initial movement might be found in ‘Bless me Father, for I have sinned.’ (Source: Vincent Sherlock.

The Advent Reconciliation Service will take place this Wednesday, 18 December at 6.30pm in St. Joseph’s church.


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St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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