St. Padre Pio was born in Italy in 1887 and became a priest at the age of 23. He suffered many health issues from a young age. He is renowned for his deep prayer life, piety and charity; and famous for many miraculous signs, such as the ability to bilocate, healings, and the gift of the stigmata. Despite facing struggles and physical pain, Padre Pio lived his life with complete resignation to the will of God. That’s a good example that can give us strength when we are in the middle of a dark and threatening situation. And though prayer doesn’t take away anxiety (depression and severe anxiety always need to be addressed through a mental health practitioner), we can turn to Padre Pio for intercession when we are struggling. He knows what it was like to suffer, and his prayers will help us pursue hope and not worry in the midst of our anxieties.
O Padre Pio, help us all through this day so to live that we may bring help to others, credit to ourselves and to the name we bear, and joy to those that love us, and to thee. Help us to be cheerful when things go wrong; persevering when things are difficult; serene when things are irritating. Enable us to be helpful to those in difficulties; kind to those in need; sympathetic to those whose hearts are sore and sad. Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from Christ’s side, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. Padre Pio, hear me. Within your wounds hide me. Let me not be separated from you. From the enemy defend me, At my death call me and bid me, come to you that with your saints I may praise you. May the eternal God bless us and keep us, guard our bodies, save our souls, direct our thoughts, and bring us safe to the heavenly country, our eternal home, where Father, Son and Holy Spirit ever reign, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
St. Padre Pio shared the following message frequently:
“Pray, hope, and don’t worry. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.”