Finance Committee

Committee Members
Tony Wheeler
Property & Maintenance Officer
Greg Smith
Book Keeper
Margaret Wheeler
Fr Nathan
Peta Somma
Parish Finance Committee
As many would be aware, the Parish Finance Committee consists of, Fr. Jaybee, Greg Smith, Peta Somma, Margaret Wheeler (Parish Treasurer),Tony Wheeler (Committee Chair) and by invitation, Fr. Nathan.
The committee meets on a needs basis, but as a small group, deal with everyday housekeeping requirements, much of our interaction is informal.
Basically, the role is to advise the Parish Priest on financial matters, together with responsibility for buildings and maintenance, liaison with the Parish Risk Management representatives and the day-to-day oversight of income and payment of accounts.
The committee prepares an annual budget which is monitored monthly and records planned giving donations, together with counting and lodgement of all collections, including special ones, such as Good Friday Holy Places and various appeals as they arise.
Having finished, what eventually became a complex three year undertaking to complete the construction of our two new presbytery buildings, outfit them and organise fencing, landscaping and security as well as selling our old residence and facilitating furniture removal, storage and return to complete the changeover, the last few months have seen us back in the more traditional role as what we refer to as our normal work.
Here, Greg essentially does a wonderful job maintaining the gardens and buildings which form our property holdings and as the latter age to varying degrees, so the need for upkeep and repair becomes increasingly important and unfortunately expensive.
The committee does also endeavour to keep parishioners informed of the overall state of our finances on an annual basis and apologies for the fact that Fr. Jaybee’s long service leave and the Christmas Holiday Season will see this delayed until the New Year.
In the meantime however, we are fortunate to remain in a strong position and happy to respond to any specific questions that may arise, via the Parish Office.
Finally and on behalf of our Parish Priests, thank you for your continued generosity which enables us to manage all the requirements of our large and busy community.
Tony Wheeler (Committee Chair)