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Joseph Care: Parish Outreach

Reaching out to people

This commission is responsible for promoting family life and social justice within the parish and civic community. Among its responsibilities are:

  • developing a parish information-action program based on the Gospel social teachings of the church

  • identifying social issues and human needs in the parish and civic community and developing broad Christian service action plans to aid in meeting those needs.


Ministries typically associated with this commission are the following:


Other standing committees may be established by the pastor or pastoral council as appropriate, but care should be taken not to create more committees than are necessary to carry out the work of the Joseph Care Commission.

Social Justice

The Church has developed great wisdom to help society address the most pressing situations facing an increasingly shrinking—and often turbulent—global community in years to come. Because we as Catholics are a worldwide community of faith, the more we can embrace and internalize this growing wisdom and enact it in our own lives, the more we will serve the Kingdom of God and help bring it into fullness.


The basic tenets of Catholic Social Teaching are:

  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person

  • Call to Family, Community, and Participation

  • Rights and Responsibilities

  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

  • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

  • Solidarity

  • Care for God's Creation


Source: Living Lives for Others – Catholic Social Teaching – Loyola Press


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