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Out of School Sacramental Program

Many parishes throughout Western Australia provide a Parish Religious Education Program and Sacrament preparation to Catholic children who do not attend Catholic schools. These programs are always under the direction of the Parish Priest. The classes are generally held after school on the parish or at the Library of St Mary MacKillop College Primary Campus and are of approximately 1 hour duration.


Catechists who staff the Parish Religious Education Program are generally volunteers. They are ‘doorway people’ who share their faith with children and connect them and their families with the parish. They perform their work on behalf of the whole parish community.



1. Who do I contact for Religious Education and Sacramental preparation for children who are not in a Catholic school?

  • The parish priest of Busselton Catholic Parish should be your first contact.


2. Where and when are lessons held?

  • Lessons are generally held after school at the parish community centre if there is a big group otherwise, it is held at the library of St Mary Mackillop College.  Meetings usually last for an hour. The day on which they are held and the exact time varies from one parish sacramental group to another.


3. What age (or school year level) are Sacraments celebrated? How long does the preparation take? 

  • The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are generally celebrated at ages 8 and 9 respectively (Years Three and Four). Preparation for these Sacraments is conducted over a period of 2 years. The Sacrament of Confirmation is generally celebrated in the last year of primary school (Year Six). It is recommended that preparation for Confirmation is conducted over a year period. This is in line with our Diocesan Sacramental Policy that says "students enrolled under the After School Sacramental Program should receive one sacrament per year."


4. I have older children who have not received the Sacraments. What do I do?

  • You can always speak to your parish priest who will ensure your child is placed in the appropriate program.  Depending on the circumstance, the RCIC program may best address their needs.


If you're interested to know more about the Parish Religious Education Program or the After School Sacramental Program, please contact:  Fr Nathan, Peta Somma or ring the Parish Office at (08) 9752 1687.

St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280


Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280


Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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Photo Consent - Parishioner's photos may be used in media including  website, publications, print and electronic media. Please contact Parish Office if you withdraw permission for your photographs 

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