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Their mission is to connect people with organisations supporting women in crisis pregnancy. They have sent waterproof, wallet sized life affirming cards (these can be found in the foyer) and ask that volunteers place them where they can be found, in the hope that the message can change a mind, resulting in an abortion not proceeding. Ideas they give where cards can be given anonymously: trains, buses, cafes, servos, picnic tables, inside books, restaurants, letter boxes, schools, post office, bank, dentist, doctor, friend’s house, church etc (not on cars). One of the organisations they connect people with is Bunbury’s Pregnancy Assistance, who offer free, confidential support and assistance including: information, emotional and material support, and assistance to access other services. Pregnancy Assistance is always in need of items useful for mother and baby, from cots, prams and bassinettes down to clothing and toiletries. They can be found on 151 Spencer Street, South Bunbury. 9792 4759.

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