Thursday, 8am-4.50pm - St. Joseph’s Church
Never feel worried if you find you have no thoughts at all while you are before the Blessed Sacrament. Never feel inadequate about being an adorer even if you have not developed a spirit of devotion, if you are numb, down and out, or weakened by life. The all important factor is that you are before the Lord. Before Him who knows you inside and out. He reads your innermost thoughts and He still loves you immensely. St. John Vianney once compared adoration to spiritual sunbathing. You are taking in the warmth of the grace and love radiating from the Sacred Host.
To spend ONE HOUR A WEEK as a regular adorer in St. Joseph’s Church on Thursdays, all you have to do is contact Judy Mason 9752 3070 / 0402 461 373. (Everyone is of course, most welcome to pop in at any time from 8am-4.50pm)