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In Vietnam there is a traditional folk image of the difference between heaven and hell. In hell people have chopsticks a yard long so that they cannot reach their mouths. In heaven, the chopsticks are the same length - but the people feed one another.

Perhaps you might consider helping to feed those in our Community who are in need. No chopsticks required! It’s as easy as purchasing a couple of non-perishable items for both St. Vincent de Paul (baskets are in the church) and our Community Food Pantry (leave them in the unpowered fridge situated between the parish office and garages). (You can also make a donation to St Vincent de Paul via the envelopes in the church foyer. .... They’ll do the shopping for you.)


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St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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©2020 by Busselton Catholic Parish

Photo Consent - Parishioner's photos may be used in media including  website, publications, print and electronic media. Please contact Parish Office if you withdraw permission for your photographs 

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