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We are seeking photo’s taken during the various stages of the build of Our Lady of the Bay Church, and photos of the Priests who have served here so wonderfully during the last 20 years. If you have any photos, information or funny stories please contact Tim Murphy on 0418 932 170 or or drop in at the Parish Office. Let’s gather and keep our history together!

Does anyone have a photo of Fr Francis, Fr Mathew, Fr Marcelo or Fr Wally from their time here? We need good head shots for them to go in the framed pictures in the hall at Our Lady of the Bay. Preferably in their vestments but we are desperate ........

St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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©2020 by Busselton Catholic Parish

Photo Consent - Parishioner's photos may be used in media including  website, publications, print and electronic media. Please contact Parish Office if you withdraw permission for your photographs 

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