Holy Water dispensers have been installed in the cloisters of both of our churches. These dispensers are designed for you to collect Holy Water to take home, allowing you to bring this powerful sacramental into your daily life for personal prayer and blessings. You may use Holy Water to bless yourself and anyone or anything under your care including your children, your homes, your cars, your vegetable gardens, your workspaces, and your pets.
Holy Water is a sacramental. “Holy Mother Church has...instituted sacramentals. These are sacred signs which bear a resemblance to the sacraments. By them [we] are disposed to receive the chief effect of the sacraments, and various occasions in life are rendered holy." (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1667)
Through the use of Holy Water:
We recall our Baptism where we are made new creatures, adopted as children of God the Father, purified from all sins, and made temples of the Holy Spirit.
We are forgiven of venial sins.
Distraction from prayer is removed.
The power of evil over people and places is dispelled.
“I have myself felt an extraordinary consolation when I have used Holy Water. It is certain that I have felt a great joy and inner peace which I cannot describe, a joy with which my soul was quite refreshed.”
(Saint Teresa of Avila)