Mr. COVID interrupted out plans last week so we have rescheduled Youth Online to this coming Tuesday! Youth Online is like a youth group online – there’s music, games, chats and lots of fun. During these times connecting with others is more important than ever! Join us and people from around the diocese each month via Zoom! Our special guest presenter this month is Fr. Wayne Bendotti! Fr. Wayne’s online Masses have been attended by 100s of people from around the country and beyond! Fr. Wayne grew up in Pemberton, is the former Diocesan Youth Coordinator, and is the current Parish Priest of Dardanup -Boyanup. Fr. Wayne is known for his joyful nature, his engagement with local communities, and his fundraisers for many great causes! Join us via Zoom! Tuesday 7th of June @ 7:30pm – 8:45pm Meeting ID: 819 9664 3973
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