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Priests of the Diocese of Bunbury will once gain gather in the Cathedral Parish of Bunbury for their quarterly ongoing formation days on 1-2 June. “Authentic Journeying with Teenagers” will be the topic of their June 1 professional development day which will be presented by Ruth Gadd - School Psychologist (CEWA), Dr Christopher Cotter – Director of Religious Education (CEWA), Heidi Tempra – Head of Secondary School at Kearnan College, Manjimup and Michael Pepper – Principal at Bunbury Catholic College. On June 2, Fr Abraham Chukwu of the Lake Grace Parish will be presenting his theological reflection on a pastoral issue to the clergy. Please offer prayers for our priests that they may continue to be open to the guidance and wisdom on the Holy Spirit in their priestly vocation. (Priestly Life and Ministry: pierre.repuyan@bunbury


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