This term Father Jaybee and Father Nathan have agreed that one of them will be on-site every Thursday. This will provide the opportunity for our two priests to develop a positive relationship with the students and staff at St Mary MacKillop College. During their time each week they might read a story to younger students, provide input during a Religious Education lesson, organise short prayer services for particular classes or simply mingle informally in the playground or staffroom. What a pleasant surprise when I went into the Home Economics room and there was Father Jaybee, complete with apron, cooking with the Year 9 students! Commencing next Friday 28 July, one of the priests will say a Mass each Friday morning during term time in our chapel. (Mark Browining)
Enrolment Update: Interviews have commenced for Kindy in 2024. Fill out an Application for Enrolment ONLINE. Go to Choose MacKillop on the College’s website and click on ‘apply now’. Also starting are interviews for Yr 7 in 2025. If you have a current Yr 5 student at another school, please send their Application for Enrolment as soon as possible.