The Church welcomes all people who genuinely search for God. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is designed for people who feel a call to know more about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith. R.C.I.A. is for adults who are unbaptised, adults who are already baptised in another Christian Church and non-practicing Catholics who wish to renew their faith. The Rite of Initiation is likened to a spiritual journey that takes place within the Parish community. It involves a series of sessions with members of the faithful, to pray together, to learn about the life of Jesus through the Gospels, and discuss what his message means for us in everyday life. Another important aspect of the sessions is to enlighten, inform and discuss Catholic beliefs and practices. Perhaps you might like to join others within our Parish who are inquiring into our Catholic Faith? They will start meeting at Our Lady of the Bay after next Sunday’s 9am Mass. They are meeting this Sunday after the 9am Mass.
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