Grateful thanks to the many generous donors to our Winter Appeal. Unfortunately, the need does not go away - please keep the donations of funds and food coming. We are battling to supply up to 20 bags of food each week. Some of the items required are: 1lt UHT milk, tinned baked beans, spaghetti and soup, packs of pasta, boxes of cereal, rice etc etc Baskets available at both churches.
“The Lord won’t ask us, ‘What did you study?’ ‘How many degrees do you have?’ ‘How many works did you accomplish?’ No, no. The Lord will say, ‘Come with me because I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me to drink; I was persecuted and you protected me.”
Pope Francis
Jesus calls us to be the hands that feed his flock. Perhaps while shopping, you might consider purchasing one or two items extra for both St. Vincent de Paul (baskets are in the church) and our Community Food Pantry (leave them in the unpowered fridge situated between the parish office and garages) Both are in dire need of non-perishable items to help those residing in our Community who are in need.