Watching in joyful hope is what the Season of Advent is all about. We are “in-between” people: we live in the time between Christ’s incarnation at Bethlehem and his return “in glorious majesty” at the end of time. In this interim age we have much cause for rejoicing. Salvation, redemption, the hope of eternity is ours. If we focus on reliving history, on baby Jesus in the manger, we may miss Christ speaking to us today in our everyday lives. The texts of Advent – the scripture readings, prefaces and prayers – are some of the richest treasures of the Church’s liturgy and can draw us into the true spirit and purpose of the Advent season. During Advent, as in every liturgy, we offer thanks and praise for the saving actions of God in the past, we celebrate the presence of the risen Christ with us today and we look for the day when Christ will return in glory.