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Throughout the Bible, the Lord reminds people to tell all generations of their Lord’s wonderful works. Part of what that means for us is that we must preserve the memory of how God has worked in our lives. We celebrate the anniversary of the Dedication of Our Lady of the Bay (16.11.2003) this weekend. It’s a time to look back and remember how and why our church came into being. This Sunday, we sing the hymns sung at that Dedication Mass and listen to the same Gospel proclaimed. We remember the people who have ministered for the Lord (both ordained and lay), and above all we celebrate God’s faithfulness to his church as we step forward together in faith to carry out his mission.

All are invited to the morning tea, sausage sizzle and games following the 10am Mass. Stick around and catch up with everyone!

The late Cardinal Basil Hume often used to say churches are not just places in which we worship God but with which we worship God. That is why we fill them with signs and symbols, candles, holy water, oil, incense, statues, Stations of the Cross, and so much else. All of these raise our minds and hearts to God. But the greatest sign and symbol and the ultimate sacrament is, of course, the bread and wine which is changed into the body and blood of Jesus himself. We receive Him in Holy Communion, certainly. But we are also received by Him into Holy Communion, received into the very life of God himself. (Source:


St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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Photo Consent - Parishioner's photos may be used in media including  website, publications, print and electronic media. Please contact Parish Office if you withdraw permission for your photographs 

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