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We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song

Easter is a time of great joy, and indeed the signs of joy abound on Easter Sunday– white vestments, an abundance of flowers, joyful singing of the Alleluia. But we sometimes forget that, liturgically, the feast of Easter lasts for 50 days, and that, practically, we are called to be an Easter people every day of our lives. People should be able to see in our words and actions the joy and happiness that goes with this title... At the Easter Vigil the Paschal Candle is lit as a symbol of Christ, our light, who enlightens our minds and hearts and shows us the way we must live. Beyond the Easter Vigil, the light of that Paschal Candle must shine out in us, so that through us the peace and joy of the risen Christ is handed on to everyone. Jenny O’Brien, Liturgy Educator (


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