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A word from Fr Jaybee 19/4/2020

JOY AND HOPE FROM RESURRECTION AND OVERFLOWING MERCY Greetings of peace brothers and sisters... After a few weeks of staying home for Community Quarantine, I have heard people sighing: “It has been four weeks since we have been quarantined inside our houses.” They question, “When is this quarantine going to end?” That sigh and question indicate signs of worry and anxiety. On the other hand, some people also find meaning in our situation. They have said that it brings them together as a family. It restores the unity and bond among family members. It brings back to use their kitchen, instead of take-away and/or phoning for food delivery. It helps them realise not to rely and trust on money and material resources but to appreciate and value the simple things that really matter. Though it is difficult to accept that we are inside our homes, for what has seemed like ages already, it is also difficult to rebuke the implemented Community Quarantine. We don’t want to add to the burden/ problem; we want to help and contribute something to prevent the spread of the virus. Despite the difficulties we might have, we are still hopeful that one of these days we will once again enjoy the things we used to have but with a different level of valuing and looking at things. We are still happy despite our situation because we have a God who gives us joy and hope through his resurrection from the dead. And this Sunday, we celebrate the FEAST of the DIVINE MERCY. Let’s pray that we will experience the OVERFLOWING MERCY OF GOD that brings joy and hope despite the covid-19 pandemic crisis. In this time of uncertainty, we must be strong. God is present in our struggles. May the good Lord grant peace in our hearts as we stand and fight this crisis. Happy Feast Day of the Divine Mercy... Fr Jaybee


St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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