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To help celebrate Sr Bernadette’s Jubilee anniversary of Religious life. Imagine, sixty years of giving your life to God, his mission and people like us. At the recent celebrations over East, when 21 Sisters celebrated this Jubilarian anniversary, Sr Monica Cavanagh said this: “Sixty years ago, these Sisters embarked on a journey, a journey with the divine spark of God’s love which led them into the midst of God’s people. These Sisters have lived the spirit and charism entrusted to the Congregation by (St) Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods. They have done it with commitment, generosity, and faithfulness. We honour them for indeed God has done great things in them and it fills us with joy.” Please come to the morning tea after the 9am Sunday Mass this weekend to show your joy, gratitude and love.


St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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Photo Consent - Parishioner's photos may be used in media including  website, publications, print and electronic media. Please contact Parish Office if you withdraw permission for your photographs 

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