St. John Henry Newman wrote: “We know very well that much as we may have attempted, we have done very little, that our very best service is nothing worth — And the more we attempt, the more clearly we shall see how little we have hitherto attempted.” It all sounds quite dismal and dreary, and that pretty much sums up my Lent so far - a miserable effort. Those spiritual and scripture readings that seemed to hold a message just for me? – well now I find myself plodding through them, dryly waiting for the end just so I can say ‘Done. Time for a cuppa.” The hardly any meat route? Well, a quiche filled with hot smoked salmon and smoked salmon slices is a luxury whichever way I might try to look at it. Just what was I thinking? I wonder too what Jesus sees in my relationship with Lubus, the homeless man on the verandah. There are days we don’t speak. Days I walk past, pretending he could be asleep. There are days too where I just seem to rouse at him, ‘Clean up. I’m shouldn’t have to do if for you. .... If you want to stay here ...., Please, just keep it tidy”. This week’s Gospel ‘the Prodigal Son’ is a timely reminder on just how much God loves us and is ready to welcome us back despite anything we may have done or failed to do. If like me you’ve stalled this Lent, take heart that God is patiently waiting for us to make things right. We can restart our Lenten journey ...... “Lord, here I am once more. I need you.” ......... and absolutely know, without a doubt, his arms are stretched wide in welcome.
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