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Palm Sunday

Here on this final Sunday in our Lenten season, two Gospel passages are proclaimed: one when Mass begins, and the other at the usual time of the Gospel. We carry our blessed palms as we join in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem singing our hosannas, and then clutch them in sombreness as we listen to the narrative of Christ’s passion. We take the palms home to display them in a place of honour as a living reminder that Christ will help carry any crosses we might have along with his own. We then return them next year to be burned for the ashes for Ash Wednesday.


Liturgy is drama, and Holy Week invites us not just to watch but to play our own part. ..... Today, we watched the spectators shout, "Hosanna," and soon thereafter cry out, "Crucify him!" The Scriptures and liturgies of Holy Week make it hard to be neutral. They interrogate us, calling us to play our part in the drama of God's great love. We are free to remain spectators, swaying with the wind. We might be trapped among those whose clinging to their plan or power, blinds them to God's offer. Or we may choose the strength and freedom offered in the bread that gives us the sustenance necessary to take up the cup of self-giving love. (Source: Sr Mary McGlone. National Catholic Reporter)


St Joseph's Church

70 Kent Street, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Our Lady of the Bay

Kelly Drive, BUSSELTON WA 6280

Parish Office

08 9752 1687 

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