The office gutters have been cleared of accumulated debris, so that means no overflow with the next rainfall; and the carpets have been deep cleaned. Rah!!!! Greg has mended the sprinklers once again. (Let’s hope he gets a break from this never ending job for awhile. It must be very disheartening doing the same job over and over again.) With public Masses slowly recommencing, I beg you to watch your parking at St. Joseph’s. Please don’t turn on any of the grassed areas, nor park on them. And speaking of the lawn, this week saw them freshly mowed, whippersnipped and edged. It looks ... and smells ... amazing. The Parish bought a non-contact Infrared Thermometer. (Yes you can look forward to that on entering the church for Masses - You will be sent straight to the doctors if you read high) I took it back as it didn’t seem to be working. You already know what happened, the battery placement was incorrect. (I know, I know, I should have checked that). Anyway I slunk back to the office and decided to take my own temperature. Nothing happened. Said a little prayer (along the lines of “God give me strength” as my neck muscles spasmed and my teeth snapped tight), tried again and it behaved exactly as it should. So for anyone using this at the door; it takes a minute or so to read the first time. After that it reads very quickly indeed.
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